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[HD] InPhenix Universe Essentials - Earth Animation

InPhenix Universe Essential Bundle is a Massive collection of stock footages and assets specifically created and targeted for YouTube creators. It has a big collection of cosmic and universal effects like, planets, blackholes, galaxies, nebulas etc.


1) Rendered in Blender 3.0 Eevee Render engine

2) Includes Alpha and Occlusion map

3) 1080p HD H.264 Mp4 Codec

4) No motion blur included (Easily keyable)

What's in it?

Half lighted 360 loop
Low lighted 360 loop
top view 360 loop

All the videos in this channel comes under Royalty and Copyright FREE License. Any one can download these footages and use where ever you wanted. There is no need to give the owner credits. But we wish you to give us animation credits on your videos(only if you can). You will never be receiving any type of copyright complaints from our company.

If you have any copyright complaints against our content, You can inform us at

Download Links

1080p Green Matte (73.9MB) 1080p Alpha Matte (3.3MB)

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